Upcoming Concerts


The 85th Regular Concert

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Venue Daejeon Art Center, Art Hall
Date 25/05/10
Time 17:00
Viewing Class R: 10,000 S: 7,000 A:5,000
Age Rating more than 8 years old
Inquiry 042-270-8372~4
Daejeon Metropolitan City /
Daejeon City Youth Choir


The 86th Regular Concert

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Venue Daejeon Yeonjeong Korea Traditional Music Center
Date 25/12/13
Time 17:00
Viewing Class R: 10,000 S: 7,000 A:5,000
Age Rating more than 8 years old
Inquiry 042-270-8372~4
Daejeon Metropolitan City /
Daejeon City Youth Choir

Previous Concerts


The 76th 'The Legend of the Nutcracker'

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¡¤ Venue Daejeon Art Center, Art Hall
¡¤ Date Nov. 28, 2020
¡¤ Time 17:00
¡¤ Viewing Class R_10,000 won/ S_ 7,000 won/ A_5,000 won
¡¤ Age Rating more than 7 years old
¡¤ Inquiry +82-42-270-8374
¡¤ Host/
Daejeon Metropolitan City / Daejeon City Youth Choir
¡¤ Ticket Open


The 75th 'The Spirit of Danjae'

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¡¤ Venue Daejeon Arts Center, Art Hall
¡¤ Date Aug. 22, 2020
¡¤ Time 17:00
¡¤ Viewing Class R_20,000 won / S_10,000 won
¡¤ Age Rating more than 7 years old
¡¤ Inquiry +82-42-270-8374
¡¤ Host/
Daejeon Metropolitan City/Daejoen Arts Center & Daejeon City Youth Choir
¡¤ Ticket Open

(MANNYEON-DONG),135, DUNSAN-DAERO, DAEJEON, 35204    |    CALL : +82-42-270-8373   |   FAX :+82-42-270-8379

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